What Happened to VOID? What's Next?
VOID is back and better than ever!
Excited to be bringing back some of our previous artists from our Winter 2019 show IT BECKONS as well as introducing some new opportunities to find new artists this year.
Unfortunately in 2019, VOID Studios, among other small galleries took a huge hit when everyone was way too afraid to even step onto their patios, let along bump shoulders with strangers at a gallery. The artists that started with us and gave their beautiful works of art were heartbroken. We had a serious problem on our hands, being two broke, black women with only this one opportunity to make things work. We had no choice but to somehow come up with a way to put their art into storage along with the rest of the world or call them up with the news that they had take them home.
Not wanting to let any of them down more than the pandemic already successfully accomplished, we promised to start again when the scare died down and it was safe enough for people to, at least, go to a coffee shop. We could work with that, and we did work with that, so we took up remote work to pay for as much of what we could. It was indefinitely a rough ride, we had barely any money going into the gallery and we needed to act fast if we wanted to have any way to keep the art in storage. Admittedly, at times throughout 2020 and 2021, one of our team members sacrificed their bedroom to be the housing for these works, displacing their bed to another room.
FaceTimeing, Zoom calling, and other remote forms of communication helped us to create new connections with people who are just as restless to get back into the art scene and yearned to restart. So we came up with another plan. we needed to sacrifice some living necessities to get back into the scene. We pooled as much income as possible, taking on odd jobs on top of our remote work. Now we've made the budget.
VOID is to open up new and safe exhibitions and we want to expand with partners! This starts with our first exhibition ULTRANATURAL, which will take place Las Vegas, Nevada and Fullerton, California. We want to show the world what VOID is capable of. Our artists are amazing and we shouldn't be the only ones who know about it. We owe them that much!